What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

I have multiple sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia and I made this podcast to share what I’m going through.

Tag: publication

  • Anxiety Medication Strategy Session

    Anxiety Medication Strategy Session

    In “Anxiety Medication Strategy Session,” changing opinions on music, bouts of anxiety, recent publication in Identity Theory and Disturb the Universe, family life changes, increased mobility, and resumption of some duties. Last Old Guy Or First New Guy? Recently, I read a tweet by flea, and I was forced to reconsider: Pat Matheny was a…

  • Publication Barbecue

    Publication Barbecue

    Featuring updates on Hoppin Hot Sauce inventory, newly published writing, recuperation from surgery, the year’s first barbecue, and a new family pet. Sandman Knows Kale Shout outs to the Sandman, who wrote in about kale and he knows more about kale than I ever will. He works with kale as a kaleologist. Extra Hot Shortage…