What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

I have multiple sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia and I made this podcast to share what I’m going through.

Tag: falling

  • Hit My Head On The Bed

    Hit My Head On The Bed

    Welcome to “Hit My Head On The Bed”, an episode unlike any other about unwelcome interactions with a solid bedframe, children’s birthdays, and walking the beat. PLUS a new theme song candidate faster than any others. Frame Very Solid Child’s Birthday Movie Theater Bars, Part One Just In Time Bike shop Lost Focus Walking The…

  • Air Time

    Air Time

    Welcome to “Air Time” on the What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast Across the street they had that place with Coffee & Tea, remember that? It was coffee with a black tea bag in it. Best Sauce In The World Stay For The Selfies Air Time New glasses Good For Ex-New Yorkers Paralyze my muscles I…

  • Wheelchair Tipped Over

    Wheelchair Tipped Over

    Welcome to Season Six, Episode 33, “Wheelchair Tipped Over“ My wheelchair tipped over. I was on a walk with my daughter but it didn’t seem to scare her too much– we went to the swings and she had a good time. Death of a Statesman Organic Hellfire #CIL50 Prediction? Security It Happened Fast– My Chair…

  • Wheelchair Tipped Over

    Wheelchair Tipped Over

    Welcome to Season Six, Episode 33, “Wheelchair Tipped Over“ My wheelchair tipped over. I was on a walk with my daughter but it didn’t seem to scare her too much– we went to the swings and she had a good time. Death of a Statesman Organic Hellfire #CIL50 Prediction? Security It Happened Fast– My Chair…

  • Wheelchair Tipped Over

    Wheelchair Tipped Over

    Welcome to Season Six, Episode 33, “Wheelchair Tipped Over“ My wheelchair tipped over. I was on a walk with my daughter but it didn’t seem to scare her too much– we went to the swings and she had a good time. Death of a Statesman Organic Hellfire #CIL50 Prediction? Security It Happened Fast– My Chair…