Tag: neurosurgery
Surgery Publication Vacation
Period of Change Undergoing a period of change: I had surgery, I got published and I went on vacation. Plenty of new music reviews in this episode. A word What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast is sponsored by Hoppin Hot Sauce. Order it on Amazon. JWH Live! Writings By John Winfield Hoppin is live, because…
No More Painkillers
Welcome to What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast, “No More Painkillers” It’s a big day for me because I’m finally free of trigeminal neuralgia pain after successful rhizotomy surgery last month. It’s been seven years that I’ve been battling the disease and it feels like a major victory. This Week’s Selfie
Body Horror
Welcome to What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast, “Body Horror” Cool episode! I made it through a surgery with all the hallmarks of body horror: zombie anesthesia, facial electricity and a burning nerve. David Cronenberg will be perfect to direct the movie version. Plus, artist Gary Cannone interview preview- Helen Garner on impositions- an awkward…
Doors Of Perception
Welcome to What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast Season Six, Episode 29, “Doors Of Perception.” In this episode, the door men are at my house installing the Doors Of Perception. They are noisy, but because I’m feeling better, I don’t have to whisper anymore. I was still feeling pretty tough yesterday when I went to…
Under a Martian orange sky
Get The Whole Story: Please check the Microvascular Decompression tag page to hear all the updates about my MVD surgery. I saw the surgeon who performed my microvascular decompression surgery. I went to my Ukrainian dentist a couple of weeks ago, she is the one I called, “The Iron Curtain.” I am not in trigeminal…