What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

I have multiple sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia and I made this podcast to share what I’m going through.

Tag: rituxan

  • Infusion


    In this episode we’ll go through getting an infusion infusion nounthe slow injection of a substance into a vein or tissue. Google Dictionary I was due for my Rituxan infusion, my primary multiple sclerosis (MS) medication, on January 4th.  I called a week ahead. I needed to get bloodwork at a lab and approval from the…

  • #8: Big Week

    #8: Big Week

    What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast, Episode 8: “Big Week” My name is John, I’m 38 years old, husband and father of two, radio DJ, podcaster, small business owner and I have MS (Multiple Sc;erosis). I made this podcast to share what I’m going through. Recap Episode 7: “Bread Moment” It was very hot, and…