What's The Matter With Me? Podcast

I have multiple sclerosis, trigeminal neuralgia and I made this podcast to share what I’m going through.

In this episode I battle face pain to go to a birthday dinner, take a family train trip, and have a date at the movies.

Welcome to the What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast Season 6, Episode 30, “Birthday Dinner.”

In this episode I battle face pain with varying levels of success to go to a birthday dinner at Trader Vic’s, take a family trip to the Embarcadero, and have a date at the movie theater.

Shout outs

  • Shout outs to Jersey Girl who used to work with Judy Huemann

Birthday Dinner at Trader Vic’s

Skate Spot

  • Rode the BART to Embarcadero to watch kids skate off the stairs
    • Market street Elevators
    • I was wearing my “SECURITY” t-shirt- from my Halloween costume. Lady came up asking me to defuse a situation with a guy on the escalator. I was in my wheelchair SMH
  • Holy shirt

Movie Date

  • I went to see Inu-oh and fell asleep
    • My face was hurting so i couldn’t go to lunch after and talk about it and we had to go back home
    • I worried about masks but We were the only ones at the 11am show
    • I showered shaved and wore a collared shirt

Old Millenials

  • The oldest millennials are entering their 40s
  • my cousin is in town and i wanted to call her but my face hurt when i talked so i gave up
  • i got fed up and called her anyways
  • in a few days we’re having her over for dinner
  • it hurt to talk to her but only once or twice and it was worth it
  • its a real bummer when disability intrudes on your ability to talk to your cousin

This Week’s Selfie:

My webcam broke so I used my phone


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