Tag: accessibility
Birthday Dinner
Welcome to the What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast Season 6, Episode 30, “Birthday Dinner.” In this episode I battle face pain with varying levels of success to go to a birthday dinner at Trader Vic’s, take a family trip to the Embarcadero, and have a date at the movie theater. Shout outs Birthday Dinner…
The Return Of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Welcome to What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast, Season 6 Episode 27, “The Return Of Trigeminal Neuralgia” Small electrical slashes and flashes come back, but a lot quieter since I had micro vascular decompression In this episode, the return of trigeminal neuralgia: TN discomfort came back. PLUS, Masonic Auditorium accessibility review, autonomous vehicles for disabled riders,…
We Had A Barbecue
Welcome to What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast, Season 6 Episode 26, “We Had A Barbecue” When in doubt, grill it out In this episode, my friends came over to have a barbecue and I got some much-needed support. PLUS, more adventures in Cooking While Disabled. This Week’s Selfie: